CN I: Olfactory nerve


Doctor of Physical Therapy

B.S. in Kinesiology

Doctor of Physical Therapy

B.A. in Neuroscience

flowchart TD
  A[Nose] -- smell --> B["Cribriform plate"]
  B --> C["Olfactory Sulci"]
  C -- Skips Thalamus --> D["Olfactory Tract"]
  D --> E[Olfactory Bulb]
  E --> F[Insula gustation but i wrote that this was wrong]
  E --> G[Piriform Cortex]
  E --> H[Amygdala]
  E --> I[Entorhinal Cortex]

  F --> J{Gustation}
  G --> K{Olfaction processing}
  H --> L{Emotion of Fear}
  I --> M{Formation of Memory}

Central Olfactory Structures

Central Olfactory Structures


First order neurons:

  1. Smell is detected by specialized chemoreceptors on bipolar primary sensory neurons found in the olfactory neuroepithelium1
  2. Olfactory nerve (made up of axons combined with other receptor cell axons)1
  3. Pass through Cribriform plate of Ethmoid bone1
  4. Terminate on the olfactory bulb (main relay station of olfactory pathway)1

Second order neurons:

  1. Olfactory tract
  2. Split: Medial & Lateral striae
    1. Medial Stria: Projects to subcallosal gyrus
    2. Lateral Stria: continues on to Parahippocampal gyrus

Relevant Structures

The olfactory nerve does not have peripheral ganglia

Olfactory cortex: no single structure - Piriform cortex: - Located: Below lateral olfactory stria - Function: Olfactory processing - Amygdala: - Located: Anterior to Temporal/Inferior horn of Lateral Ventricle - Function: Emotion & Fear - Entorhinal cortex: - Location: Anterior part of Parahippocampal gyrus - Function: Formation of Memory

Pupillary light reflex

CN2 is involved in the pupillary light reflex



Blumenfeld H. Neuroanatomy Through Clinical Cases. 3rd ed. Oxford university press; 2022.


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